15.3.2009 | 22:22
This time in English
So after some questions about my blogg I decided to write it in English. Although I'm not sure my simple life warrants a larger group of readers. Perhaps the promblem is that the ones reading this know me either too well or too little. But here goes:
Isold and I have had a fun week. We've been exploring more of Uppsala, as her school starts next week. So the first days we explored the movies with Pipp langstrump. Then after we became totally sick of the livingroom and ourselves so we ventured out. Friday we went to the University museum and looked at the autopsy room. It is soooo cool. It circular, very old, and the audience had to stand while they watched the professor chop up people... and as there was no one around, we re-inacted the whole thing. Isold was the dead body and I was the professor. We also saw mummies.
Then we had dinner at Eva's and as she is an amazing cook we ate and ate and ate...and then we acted the Mahnahmanah scetch!
Saturday was crazy. We got up early - went to Carolinas and went with her and her dog for a long walk. Rushed home to get brunch ready as Markku and his daughter Marika were coming over. The oatmeal pancakes were of course on the menu. I'm getting the nagging feeling that absolutely no one likes them but me. But as I'm the one making them it really doesn't matter. So I'll keep on making them and allow everyone else to stuff themselves with the bacon and eggs instead. Although I think Michael the spruce guy liked them but as he's English one never knows. He might just have been horribly polite. Or not. After brunch we had to get ready for an English speaking meeting at the secret society and after that McDonalds and then another secret meeting! Isold was such a camper through all this. I'm so impressed with her strenght and patience.
Sunday was crazy! We didn't think we'd be doing anything. But my friend Max and I could not get the thought of stretching pennies on the railrode of our minds. So we decided that today was the day. We packed lunch and went to old Uppsala, where they have unguarded railtracks and placed coins on the tracks. The train came sooner than expected so we had to hurry. It whooshed by and we were totally happy that this experiement had not derailed it... although we had been relatively sure it wouldn't. The hard part is finding the coins afterwards. Groaping around in the gravel we found our coins beautifully streched! The Norwegian one's were funky! The Icelandic Kronas were sturdier...an adjective not associated with the Icelandic krona for a while!
We then went for a walk, looked at an ancient church and went for coffee. Met friends of Maxes and they joined us for the walk. Isold started playing the game of "we can not touch snow". So for an hour that's what we did - using even branches and laying them strategically on the ground. We played hide and seek in the woods (this is with Max, someone we've known for a few days and his friends we were meeting for the first time today). After what felt like hours we went home, and Max and one friend joined us and had pancakes and ice cream and did again our favorite scetch of mahnahmanah...the guys were totally into this. Next time I will record this and put it on Youtube...promise!
Then Alan landed so our place will be crowded again for a few weeks. Next sunday will be brunch again and I'm so happy to realize that I now have more friends than days in the weekend so it looks like our brunch tradition is here to stay! Along with the oatmeal pancakes.
I love this town. Right now. Tomorrow I'll probably hate it. I planned to write a few recipes here and some spiritual stuff as well but I'm neither hungry nor spiritual tonight so I'm afraid this will only be a bare description of a single moms life in a new town. Tomorrow I'll have to subject Isold to another day at my lab, with hopefully a course in the coalescent theory. She takes excellent notes!
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